Income Limits/Application Information

At these locations, participants are required to contribute 30% of their adjusted gross income towards rent. Utilities are included in the rent. The units are for elderly 60 years of age or older and for disabled of any age.

Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP)
Income Limits
One Person $91,200
Two $104,200
Three $117,250
Four $130,250
Five $140,700
Six $151,100

Independence Manor – Twenty four units consisting of one and two bedroom units for the elderly (60 years of age or older).

Skyline Drive – Sixty units consisting of one, two and three bedroom units. Available for individuals or families of any age. (Wait List Closed).

Families contribute 30% of their adjusted gross income.

An asset limitation applies to the MRVP program. Applicant total assets cannot exceed $25,000 or one and a half times their Household gross income, whichever is greater.

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher
Income Limits
One Person $57,100
Two $65,300
Three $66,800
Four $73,450
Five $81,600
Six $88,150
Seven $94,700
Eight $101,200

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Centralized Waiting List
Effective November 1, 2022 the payment standards for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program are as follows:

Bedroom Size HUD Fair Market Rent Payment Standard
0 $2,212 $2,212
1 $2,377 $2,495
2 $2,827 $2,968
3 $3,418 $3,759
4 $3,765 $4,141
Utility Allowances